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npx remotion cloudrun services


Cloud Run is in Alpha, which means APIs may change in any version and documentation is not yet finished. See the

changelog to stay up to date with breaking changes


The npx remotion cloudrun services command allows you to deploy, view and delete GCP Cloud Run services that can render videos and stills.

You only need one service per GCP region and Remotion version.


npx remotion cloudrun services deploy
npx remotion cloudrun services deploy

Creates a new service in your GCP project. If a service exists in the same region, with the same Remotion version, with the same amount of memory, disk space and timeout duration, the name of the already deployed service will be returned instead.

Example output

Validating Deployment of Cloud Run Service:

Remotion Version: 3.3.95

Memory Limit: 2Gi

CPU Limit: 1.0

Timeout: 300

Project Name: remotion-example

Region: us-east1

Deploying Cloud Run Service...

Cloud Run Deployed!

Service name: remotion--3-3-95--mem512mi--cpu2--t-1200

Version: 3.3.95

CPU Limit: 2
Memory Limit: 512Mi

Timeout: 1200sec

Region: us-east1

Service URL:

GCP Console URL:


The GCP region to select. The site that the service will be accessing should also be in this same region to minimise latency.


The upper bound on the amount of RAM that the Cloud Run service can consume. Default: 2 GB.


The maximum number of CPU cores that the Cloud Run service can use to process requests. Default: 1.0.


The minimum number of service instances to have available, regardless of requests. Default: 0.


Any running instances, even if they are not performing a render, will be billable in GCP. The default minimum number of instances is zero, which means that when no requests are made to your service, you are not billed.


The maximum number of service instances that can be create by GCP in response to incoming requests. Default: 100.


Timeout of the Cloud Run service. Default: 300 seconds.


If this is set to true, cpu_idle will be set to true in the service manifest.
CPU alloction will be disabled while no request is being processed, which can lead to significant cost savings.

--quiet, -q

Only logs the service name, and 'Authenticated access granted'.


npx remotion cloudrun services ls
npx remotion cloudrun services ls

Lists the services that you have deployed to GCP in the selected region.

Example output

2 services in us-east1

Service name: remotion--3-3-95--mem512mi--cpu2--t-1200

Version: 3.3.95

CPU Limit: 2
Memory Limit: 512Mi

Timeout: 1200sec

Region: us-east1

Service URL:

GCP Console URL:

Service name: remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800

Version: 3.3.82

CPU Limit: 1.0

Memory Limit: 512Mi

Timeout: 800sec

Region: us-east1

Service URL:

GCP Console URL:


The GCP region to list services from.

--quiet, -q

Prints only the service names in a space-separated list. If no services exist, prints ()


npx remotion cloudrun services rm remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800
npx remotion cloudrun services rm remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800

Removes one or more services from your GCP project. Pass a space-separated list of services you'd like to delete.

Example output

Service name: remotion--3-3-82--mem2gi--cpu1-0--t-800
Version: 3.3.82
CPU Limit: 1.0
Memory Limit: 2Gi
Timeout: 300sec
Region: us-east1
Service URL:
GCP Console URL: Delete? (Y/n): Y


The GCP region to select.

--yes, -y

Skips confirmation.


npx remotion cloudrun services rmall
npx remotion cloudrun services rmall

Removes all services from your GCP project for a certain region.

Example output

2 services in us-east1

Service name: remotion--3-3-95--mem512mi--cpu2--t-1200

Version: 3.3.95

CPU Limit: 2
Memory Limit: 512Mi

Timeout: 1200sec

Region: us-east1

Service URL:

GCP Console URL:

Delete? (Y/n) n
Skipping service - remotion--3-3-95--mem512mi--cpu2--t-1200.

Service name: remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800

Version: 3.3.82

CPU Limit: 1.0

Memory Limit: 512Mi

Timeout: 800sec

Region: us-east1

Service URL:

GCP Console URL:

Delete? (Y/n) n
Skipping service - remotion--3-3-82--mem512mi--cpu1-0--t-800.


The GCP region to remove services from.

--yes, -y

Skips confirmation.

See also